☆ update log ☆

im alive.. added some graphics 2 the index

got a new cd!

added some new art...

added a music page! short break from a break, i jst wanted 2 share some of my art :-)

idek what i did but it was something small

got anohter cd! also might blog...

got two new cds!

took an iq test.. look at my score...

new blog entry

got 2 new cds!

new blog entry! also palindrome day yaay (ignoringn the obvious)

changed the header on the plushies page :-)

new bloggy entryy

new blog entry! im back from michigan :-)

made a page about my recent trip to greece!

new blog entry and just little other things ☺

new blog page for spring

somethng happened... forgot what i did

added a music player to the blog page :-) might add it to all the pages TBH...

new blog entry

added a link to the ... links page... and also redid my blog page :-)

added two buttons and also added my soundcloud profile to the about me!

added a few things to the about me! mainly, the HRT counter, which is currently still in the negatives T_T

added some stuff to the animal crossing shrine and also wrote a new blog entry!

new cd! also new bloggy entry :-)

refurnished the plushies page! you can still visit the old version through the wayback machine though if you want!

new blog entry!! havent uploaded the images yet though :-)

made a new site button! if you have the old one up that's fine to use too :^)

new blog entrey and new gif

blog entryy ! i also changed the gif thingy to not be weekly :-)

new blog entry!

finished the junk drawer! and updated the credits page to fit^_^

added new blinkies+buttons, added new pieces to the art page, and wrote in the blog :-) happy new year's eve!

merry christmas!! new blog entrya nd two new cds !

new blog entry! alsohappy birtday emily :-)

if you saw the header image link break no you didnt..

new month, new blog page

added two new blinkies to the credits

finally wrote another blog entry! also added new buttons! also added two new albums to the about me!

tweaked the computers page, added two new links to the.. links page.

added the photos to my last blog entry :P

added some new stuff to the art page, and wrote another blog entry :-)

redid the blog page !

bought a new cd! also i wrote a new blog entry...

added another blog entry!

added the wiiring! also 80 follwers now! you guys are too kind :-)

added two buttons..

new blog entry. sorry for the inactivity i swear im still alive

new blog entry and updated the gif of the week!

added some albums to about me! and updated the gif of the week ^_^

new blog entry and another cd :-)

new blog entry!

got a new cd ^_^

made a new page about computers i like! go check it out ^_^

got a new cd!

added some art and a new blogg entry1

new gif of the week except its three days late shh also i added a bg to the knitting shrine thingy

new blog page for fall!! also added a halloween countdown to the about me :-)

added some new graphics. will there be a new blog page? let's see....

another blog entry

new blog entry, and i got a new cd!

new blog post!

got some cds!

redid the links page and added some stuff to my graphcis collection!

new blog entry wwwwhahahdshs

made a page about my plushies collection!

redesigned the credits page, also changed the cursor, also new blog entry

added webring, and something new to the art page ^_^

redid art page !!

new blog entry ^_^

added some new albums to the about me

redid my about me!! check it out ^_^

new blog entry !

redid my index!! gnna redo the rest of the site but itll take me a little while !

finally back from vacation!! made a blog entry abt it ^_^

blog entry

also got two new cds :3

new blog page!

added some stuff to credits,, and new playlist of the month!

updated about me!

new blog entry :3

new blog entry ^_^

added some new links to the.. links page,, also new blog entry

new blog entry :3

got a new cd!!

new blog entry!!

kinda redid the main css to be simpler :P also added 2 new buttons

got two new cds n redid said page ^_^

added an essay i wrote to the blog page, hope u read it ^_^

june blog page up! all the images are credited too ♥

redesigned the ACNH shrine :-)

added some buttons n blinkies,, also another blog entry thingy

added a back button 2 the may blog page :)

added two new cds, also its my bday !!

added a album of the monthm and new blog

new blog entries and also a new cd :-) gonna try to make 1 everyday of may!


new and final april blog entry!

added some buttons; changed the tab name from credits to graphics :P

added more art!! most arent recent but whateves :)

made the rest of the pages responsive,, n new blog entry :P

anohter blog entry + made the index responsive 4 different screen sizes

new blog entry

sorta redesigned the cd page, jst need 2 tweak some things :P

new blog entry, added more 2 links page

new blog entry and new gum thingy

changed playlist of the month,, and yesterday i wrote smth new for the blog!

made a new blog page for april,, but i didnt write anything yet :P

removed yesterwebring :( i might start the april blog though...

added 3 new cds to my collection!

new blog entry :) 3-11-23
new blog entry :P

new blog page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

new blog entry !!

updated gum, index, and knit page

new blog entry

all i did was hotlinked all the stuff in the feb blog,, and like added some buttons to the links page. also i got a spacehey

new blog entry!! sorry if it didnt show up in the activity feed :)

updated playlist of the month :P

added about pages for two of my knits, you can find them by clicking on the scrollbar next to the main part :P the blog'll be up tommorrow,, im waiting to paste everything until the end of today :)

added pages to my different knitting projects,, im having trouble making the february blog page rn so it might be a little bit </3

added my last.fm to my about me page.. have fun looking at a lot of tmbg and mcr LOL

added a.. copyright?? birthday?? thing? also happy 40k views <3

swapped out the default neocities button with my own,, i rly like it :)

added the transing the internet widget,, and wrote a new blog post :P

added a playlist of the month, inspired by worldsaddress on neocities!

new blog entry,, and also started a doodles page!! its nowhere near being done yet :P

new month, new blog page!

wrote a new blog entry, and uploaded some new art!! the image quality went down a lot though :(

cd page got updated :)

i found some old shells i painted, so theres a couple new things in the art tab now :P

MERRY XMAS!!! new blog post!!

new shrine!! this ones about knitting :))

new blog entry!! i might add more later though LOL

added some new art to the page, its some of the work i did in my painting class :P

updated about me & links page, my button should be visible now :)

new month, new blog page!! i actually put effort into this one

added decor to art page, and also updated credits and the index!

updated food page,, art page,, and added new gifs to credits :P

added a different yesterweb widget!!

kinda fixed art page? it still looks a bit bland though, so i might change it :)

another blog entry!

new blog entry. huge tw for eating disorder discussion, i am not having a good time

stickers page is done!! apoligies for the watermark :) also,, new blog post!

i just edited the not found page slightly, but ill probably do more later!

started to add some new stuff to the animal crossing shrine, but its not finished yet :)

added new links to credits, and started to redo the about me page.. im not sure if i should keep the external links..

new blog post!! happy november :)

just did some tweaks to the links page,, most of the tabs rn are pretty outdated :(

HAPPY 5-MONTH ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! also new blog post :)

new gum review!! also i got a new cd, so that collection page is updated too!

just some tweaks to a couple pages,, i added new decor to some :)

woah!! new tab!!! also new page,, its all about the food ive cooked before :-)))

new gum review,, and i also finally fixed the bracelet page lol it should work with the right screen resolution

new blog page!! its october baybee

just some general maintenance, i started a new page and i might just link it now,, and then continuously update it as i get more content. my navbars gonna change soon tho, so stay tuned 4 that!!

new page!! i decided to start doing gum reviews, and i finally made a page to put them on display!! its on my blog page, with everything else :-)

new blog entry

started working on a new tab... its doing okay, but i still have a long way to go before its posted !! also, the art tab is a little wonky right now since i tried using a different way to put css there. itll be fixed soon, but im too tired to do it now :P

new journal entry!!! yippee!!!

new journal entry for august.. its not very coherent

re-formatted the journal entries to save storage space <3 also i updated the visitor counter bc it wasnt accurate :P

more tweaks to some old pages, and i started a new tab!! itll take a while to complete though ☆

nothing much today, i just made adjustments to some old pages and updated the pins section :-)

new blog post! sorry for the lack of updates, life's been hard i guess

new shrine!!! i hope yall like it :33 also i finished another blog post for the 5th!

minor updates/new blog post!! (ingore its at 2am and three days off from its original date <3)

started working on an animal crossing shrine!! also new blog post too :-)

cd collection done!! even though i only have one, im happy its finally done. also, some more links were added to their page. :-)

new tab!!! its the credits one :-)) its mainly there because its more convenient to have all the graphic credits in one place. plus, i can also display blinkies there! its a little boring, but my navbar isnt done quite yet..

new blog page and also a new button for the links!! also, i added a webring link thingy at the bottom on this page. currently im working on a new tab for the navbar, so there should be somethign there soon :-)

added a visitor counter and link to my site profile, and also changed the header! in the future i might design my own, but for now its just text :-)

updated the links tab, and theres TWO new blog entries!! sorry for being inactive, its hard to think of stuff to add. hope yall understand <3

new index format!! im still trying to figure out what to add to the rest of it but for now it works :-) also new blog entry for 6-19-22, and the about me page changed too!

new blog entry! read it if you want i guess

not much today, however i finally got around to replacing my stamp!! i would appreciate it if yall would update it to the new version :-) i might also put a post up so that more people see it, but im just happy i made a new one!!!

okay, i fixed the formatting for the navbar, and updated the dropdown for collections on all of the tabs. also, i moved the updates to here, because im working on adding a blog in the future!!! i have so much to talk about :-)

HIIII IM BACKKK i was in sort of a roadblock because i was going to completyley redo my entire layout and design and all that, but i think ill just update the appearance little by little over time. that way, it happens more naturally. anyway, today i finished the abridged section on the about me page (as well as added my pinterest), changed the title text for all the tabs, and also added a link to the link list!

hey!! no updates for today,, but i wanted to let yall know i might completley redo this entire site. ill have the original code and itll also be up as an alternative,, but i have big plans in the works!! itll take me a while to even get started though...

hi!!! today i decided to get rid of the page for the collections, and replaced it with a dropdown tab. i dont really like how it looks, but the way the code is set up doesnt give me much room for anything else. also because my format (or design?? layout??>) doesnt really fit with a dropdown tab. i just felt like it was overkill to add an entire page just for links. except for my links page ily <3

hi!! today i replaced the broken widget on the index with a to-do list, and added another new page for the collections tab. also,, i added some dividers to the about me page, but im not 100% sure i like them yet. i want to add more decorations to my site, but i havent found any that work yet :-((

hey!!! its been around two weeks, but i didnt mean to not update here for this long. there was a lot of issues i was having with my trip. "issues" being that i got covid and had to quarintine there for another week added. anywho, today i redid the about me page, updated the journal page, and also fixed the bracelet page to stop scrolling. also i made a new page for the collections, and added a link on the links page.

okay hi!! today i didnt really have time for anythign,, but i did update my about me page!! i tried adding a little moon phase widget,, but it didnt end up working all that well. in the future i have some ideas though. anyway bye :-))

alright. im back. today i created a page for my bracelet collection, and added some scrolling rows of it. currently theyre duplicates,, but ill trty to change that soon. also i think yesterday i rearranged the buttons on the index i think??? not completley sure though. anyway yeah!! i love how it looks so far!!

hello,,,,, today i replaced the blinkies on the index page with some buttons,, but i havent quite made them even yet. i think it looks really bad. also,, i added a lot more pins to the pins page,, and also added a back button!! its not finished,, but the only reason why i stopped is bc the page stopped showing any new changes. thats the one annoying part about neocities. also also i updated the navbar to show the right name for the collections page. also i added more links to the links page. anyway more updates on the way!!! next week i wont be able to update it bc ill be on another school trip!! this time its to louisiana!! im suuper excited :-)) anyway bye!!

hi! today i renamed the bracelets page to collections,, and made an .html file for enamel pins!! the amount of stuff im hosting on the server is getting overwhelming now..... but uhhhhh yeah!! i havent added anything yet,, but its so refreshing not to worry wether its pretty or cohesive and just let myself make something UGLY for once. yeah ♡

hii!! today i added the tamaNOtchi to the index,,, and also added some scrolling blinkies on the about me page. i wanted to finally get rid of the blinkies on the index and replace it with some buttons,, but i dont have enough to fill the space. also i finally fixed the not found page so its slightly cohesive with the rest of the site. anyway,, i feel like i need to make more progress because idk its going kind of slow,, but ill have even less time now. anyway bye!!

okay.... today i moved the button thingy over to the links page,, and added one or two more links. i tried adding a seperate block for helpful sites rather than having it with the credits,, but it didnt really work out. so the index looks kind of weird now. i also wanted to add the tamanotchi embed link code thingy,, but i didnt have enough time. i like it though :-)

hi!! today i added a favicon,, and i also decided to make a button!! i dont really like it,, so i might change it pretty soon. im happy with what i did today though!

today i finally fixed the art page,, so that it would have five images per row. i might change the layout again if i dont like it, but for now its alright. also im rly contemplating wether or not i should get the dinosaurchestra cd.. my birthdays in like three weeks so maybe not.. also the scroller at the bottom of this page is only for a test i was doing,, i dont know when im gonna get rid of it.

uhh what did i do today... i fixed the footer problem so everything scrolls right, and also i updated the nav bar to be accurate on all the tabs rather than just the index. i might finally fix the art page to fit the new dimensions, but uh yeah!! not much today :-)

okay... i dont remember everything i did,... but im pretty sure that i updated the links page a lot,, but its stil really unfinished. i also added a scrolling set of blinkies to the index!!! i think it turned out really pretty :-))) oh yeah i also added a to-do list to the index,, to help me get more on track with everything. tommorow ill have school again though,,, so i wont be able to update as often. bye !

i had to completyley redesign this site because someone pointed out to me that uhh my screen was zoomed in a lot and the whole menu looked really small to most people,,, and so i just decided to move stuff around. so, uh, now it all looks reallly bad. i dont know when itll get fixed, because im getting really sick of neocities. or just sick of life in general. also, i decided to add a bracelet tab,, but again itll take me a while to design it since i have to make transparent backgrounds for like 30 photos. i think itll turn out really cool though!! stay tuned :-)

okay,, i added another row onto the art page today,, but because of the resolution of the images it takes a while for it to load. its fine with me, but i mean the page looks broken for a sec so dont be worried. also, i added a gif to the right of earth for earth day!! i wanted to add a favicon,, like the little icon thingy next to the name,, but i couldnt find a good image or actually how to do it. thats probably next on my list. anyway yeah hope you have a good day!!

soo i think i added a lot more to the about me page?? also uhh i mightve added another site link to the inspiration thingy.... i really dont remember but yeah!!

HII im back!! i made a footer with some scrolling text, adjusted the layout with the blocks, edited the title, and also added links to websites that i got my inspiration from! also, now i have a guestbook :-)) if you havent signed it yet GO DO IT OMG!! plus, i actually decided to work on my art page!! it now has some of what ive made, but i definitley have more to add later :-)

OK HI SO i made the about me page have a three column layout,, and moved all the music stuff there,, plus i moved my other info too!! i really like how it looks now :-))) im super sad i wont be able to work on it until next week, but this is probably the last time ill edit it until i get back. i might upload some photos, but i dont wanna like doxx myself or anything (its nowhere near where i actually live tho??? idk???????) anyway im super happy w everything,, and would definitley appreciate any ideas!! bye !!

hii!! sooooo uhhhh i tried making a three-column and two-column layout, by copy-pasting the css to the html file, deleting the uuhhhhh link thing to the css style sheet, and going through each and every line to see what was preventing me from using the little template i got from w3schools TwT anywho im really happy with how it turned out, even though i had to do a lot of tweaks. i might move all the music taste stuff to the About Me page, but im still making everything look nice before that. i dont like how it looks, and i really wish i could find out how to align the images and decor i want. alas, here we are. on monday ill be leaving, so tommorow is the last day ill be able to update anything for a whole week. im literally so sad about that ill miss this place a whole lot ♡♡♡ bye!!

hi!! i tried to add a bunch of things, but none of them really worked :-( ill be leaving for a trip to washington dc, so i wont be able to update anything all next week! really though im having a lot of trouble w aligning images and things so like ???? its gonna look really barebones for a while. bye!!

YEAH HI i kinda changed a lot today, mainly because i wanted some sort of animated background and the clouds were getting kind of old. so yeah!! i also added a lil scrollbar and changed the formatting for the main text. my only issues are 1- what should i do for filler text? and 2-i need to use the scrolling text at some point so i need to find a way to add that in... anyway im really happy that everything worked out in the end!! ily all (0 people) and goodnight ♡

hi again!! today i tried adding a lil page for my playlists ive made but like....... its not working out so well aha so uhh like the links work but it looks really weird lmaoo anywhom i uhh hate it still so yeah bye!!

hii!! i tried to mix two different background images today, but it didnt really work. so instead, i created another page that i know will just collect dust!! i really hate this website and i dont know i can like it again...nothing is working nothing ever turns out right here i dont know anymore fuck anyway yeah bye

hi again!! its been a while i think?? i kinda messed up everything here today, and i havent fixed everything yet. the nav bar doesnt have a border on the top or bottom, and the text thats scrolling is all wrong. i think this was because i tried adding left and right columns???? anyway yeah uhh what else........ i need ideas about what to add for the rest of the buttons, and again i have no idea what im doing, so any advice would be great! bye :-)

hii!! i didnt really have time to work on this website today, but i have some cool plans 4 the future >:) plus, today is van goghs birthday!!! happy birthday to a guy whos been dead for 130 years! i dont even care i celebrate album birthdays nothing matters anymore L.O.L. anyways bye!!

i got my elective choices today for highschools!! plus i cant figure out how to make the scroller thingy on the homepage be aligned right omg its bugging me so much :-// i updated the cursor, but its only if youre not hovering over anything. also i wrote more. and added links to the about me page (the discord one doesnt lead to anywhere) should i add a guestbook?

today was really boring since we didnt have any school, but i got a lot of work done here! plus, i listened to three lemon demon remasters, and theyre all insanley good!! i actually forgot view-monster had transition tracks, but it really makes everything more cohesive. why arent they on spotify?

☆ webrings ☆


HEY YOU!!!!!!

thanks for stopping by!! im soleil, and this is my personal site that i mess around on occasionally!!! navbar's at the top, remember to keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, and have oodles and noodles of fun ☺

· · · · · · · · · · · · · ☆SIGN MY GUESTBOOK · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

☆ - this site is best viewed with a screen resolution of 1600 x 1000, or 75% for chrome users :-) - ☆

please ask before copying any code from this website! it's all hand-coded (save for a few w3schools tutorials) and stealing isn't very kind!
