
happy new year!!! i know its already been five days,, but ive been waiting until i finished this page's layout before i began writing. anywho, this week has both been eventful and also super boring!! like seriously i hate it!! personally,, i like winter break fine, but i prefer having a set schedule and routine to my day. if its up to me, i end up feeling lost and start getting depressed. which is what happened. its thursday, so this week should be over fairly quickly. im super greatful my school has a 3-week break, but it doesnt feel great for me!!! i would say this'll pass soon, but im always going through something. whatever!

i think it was tuesday when this happened, but i had ordered a super pretty cd player,, and it finally shipped!! since i had gotten it secondhand, i was afraid it wouldnt end up working (for whatever reason),, but it had functioned perfectly!! i love ebay so much!! when i buy stuff online,, i tend to feel super guilty for 'wasting money' on stuff,, but like just because i didnt need it doesnt mean im not happier with it here! end needless guilt 2023!!!

oh yeah. also. i did make new years resolutions, and i rly tried to make them achieveable. here they are: my 3.5 step plan to be a better person!
1. spend more time on hobbies
2. actually try to improve my mental state (super easy, i know)
3. do more stuff,, like idk get a job,, sign up for a sport,,
3a. talk to other people more :P
and there you have it!! i think ill prolly be able to do it,, but also im just now realizing i dont have anything new i want to do. mainly just old hobbies. i guess my life is just a circle now LOL just endlessly repeating the same 10 things until i die

its been so rainy in my area that they've issued a flood alert now,, and its basically been raining this whole week. i love the rain so much,, but like my friend's school's power went out yesterday,, and a lot of people's homes are getting destroyed. so far, nothing's happened to anyone i know...yet.... as im typing this the sun literally just came out!! gotta love mother nature :P

thats it from me!! hope yall like the new blog layout!! au revoir ☆

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